Ledcor Cares

Ledcor Raises More Than $97,000 for Kids Help Phone In 2020

June 17, 2020

Ledcor Raises More Than $97,000 for Kids Help Phone In 2020

In May 2020, the annual Kids Help Phone event “Walk So Kids Can Talk” adapted to accommodate pandemic guidelines and become a virtual "Never Dance Alone A-Thon". Instead of the in-person live walk, participants were encouraged to register through a virtual location and join the dance-a-thon on May 31.  Ledcor rose to the virtual challenge, raising more than $97,858 with corporate match.  

While employees were not able to host their traditional office fundraising events, they were still able to collect many generous donations, and several employees, including Ledcor’s Team Captain Peter Hrdlitschka, joined the first ever dance-a-thon which was held live on Sunday, May 31. 

Since 2009 Ledcor has raised more than $1.48M for Kids Help Phone. 

Thank you to everyone for making this another Kids’ Help Phone success. 

About The Walk 

Walk so Kids Can Talk provides help and hope to young people everywhere, sending them the message that we walk together to make our world a more supportive place for them. 

Held on the first Sunday in May since 2002 – this walk is Canada’s largest for child and youth emotional health and well-being and celebrates Mental Health Week in Canada each year. The Walk allows Kids Help Phone to keep its services available to kids across Canada 24/7. 
About Kids Help Phone 

The Kids Help Phone service is free and anonymous, and supports young people as they build skills and abilities to improve their emotional health and well-being. In addition to an array of counselling options, young people benefit from Kids Help Phone’s wide range of therapeutic online resources. What began as a phone service has evolved over the last 30 years to include a resource-filled website, Live Chat, the “Always There” app and, most recently, text messaging.  The organization has continued to focus on staying relevant, ensuring that their counsellors are readily available via multiple mediums and equipped to help with the wide range of emotional and mental health needs.