Ledcor Cares

Ledcor Employees Show that Ledcor Cares, Raising over $1.2 Million for Children’s Causes

January 5, 2015

Ledcor Employees Show that Ledcor Cares, Raising over $1.2 Million for Children’s Causes

At Ledcor, our employees embrace the ‘Ledcor Cares’ spirit of charitable giving. This year, Ledcor employees have once again demonstrated that spirit by collectively raising over $1.2 million in the company’s annual fundraising drive. Funds were raised through employee contributions and fundraising activities in offices across North America, as well as a direct corporate match by the company.

Guided by a belief that healthy children build strong families and communities, a key pillar of Ledcor’s community giving is support for pediatric medical facilities and critical illness initiatives. With that principle in mind, the majority of recipient charities of our annual campaign are organizations across North America that support children facing difficult health issues. This includes 27 children’s hospitals and hospices and various Make-a-Wish chapters, as well as local children’s charities such as Covenant House, Little Warriors, Y.E.S.S, NOW, and the Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation. The campaign also included support for 32 front-line community organizations such as United Way chapters and food banks.

New to the campaign this year, we invited participation of Ledcor’s hourly, part-time, and CLAC unionized employees. As a result, this year saw a record number of donors in the annual campaign, and 100% participation at some of our offices.

To encourage participation, many local offices held events such as BBQ’s, live auctions, 50/50 draws, jeans days, Taco Tuesday, pie throwing contest, bottle drives, an Amazing Race contest, a jeopardy game, a carnival, and indoor golf tournaments.

These initiatives raised over $86,868 on top of the $540,136 employees had personally pledged. The total raised was then matched by Ledcor, bringing the grand total to $1,254,008.

“I’m really proud of our employees,” said Don Breen, President, Ledcor Industrial Projects and the 2014 Ledcor Cares Employee Campaign Chair.  “Not only did they raise a significant amount of money for some great charities, but they had fun doing it – that is the Ledcor Cares spirit.”